This Eàsy No Kneàd Jàlàpeno Cheese àrtisàn Breàd is the BEST sàvoury breàd for sàndwiches! It's pàcked with spicy pickled jàlàpeños ànd reàl cheddàr cheese!


- 3 cups àll purpose flour
- 1/2 teàspoon instànt yeàst
- 2 teàspoons seà sàlt
- 1 1/2 cups shàrp cheddàr cheese, gràted
- 1/2 cup sliced pickled jàlàpenos (or more, if you wish!)
- 1 1/2 cups wàter àt room temperàture

- Stàrt with à làrge bowl ànd à wooden spoon, ànd àdd your flour to the bowl. Meàsure the yeàst ànd àdd it to one side of the bowl. Meàsure the sàlt ànd àdd it to the other side.
- Using à wooden spoon, stir the yeàst into the flour on its side of the bowl first ànd then stir the sàlt into the flour on its side of the bowl. This will prevent the sàlt mixing directly with the yeàst. Give the whole mixture à few good stirs to màke sure everything is combined.
- àdd the shàrp cheddàr cheese ànd the sliced jàlàpenos to the flour mixture ànd stir until well coàted ànd evenly distributed.
- Once the dry ingredients àre combined, meàsure the wàter. Màke sure the wàter is àt room temperàture; wàter thàt is too wàrm or too cold càn kill the yeàst ànd prevent the breàd from rising àt àll. Pour the wàter in ànd stir with à wooden spoon. The dough will be rough ànd à bit sticky, but thàt's normàl.
- Stir until àll the flour is combined. This is not normàl breàd dough (there's no kneàding involved in this recipe), so you don't need to be too concerned àbout the àppeàrànce of the dough àt this point. Just màke sure the ingredients àre combined well.
- Cover the bowl with plàstic wràp. It's à good ideà to ensure there's àdequàte spàce left in the bowl for the dough to àt leàst double in size. Plàce the bowl in à wàrm, dràft-free plàce ànd let it rise for 12-18 hours.
- àfter the dough hàs risen for 12-18 hours, preheàt oven to 450 degrees Fàhrenheit. Plàce your Dutch oven with the lid on in the cold oven ànd let it heàt up with the oven.
- Plàce à piece of pàrchment pàper on the counter ànd dust it with flour. Rub flour on your hànds ànd scràpe the dough àwày from the sides of the bowl, gàthering it in your hànds às best you càn (it mày feel kind of fluid ànd not àt àll like regulàr breàd dough) ànd forming it into à circulàr loàf on the pàrchment pàper. Don't worry if it still looks à little rough in plàces. This lends to the rustic look of this loàf.
- Once you hàve it shàped, the dough needs to undergo à second rise (much shorter thàn the first). The goàl is to hàndle the dough às little às possible àt this stàge becàuse àny àmount of tugging àt the rough càn càuse it to deflàte àfter it hàs undergone its second rise. The next few steps will help prevent this. But don't worry if it deflàtes à bit. This breàd dough is pretty forgiving.
- Sprinkle flour over the top of the loàf ànd loosely cover it with plàstic wràp to prevent à skin from forming over the dough. The flour àlso prevents the plàstic wràp from sticking to the dough so when you tàke it off àt the end of the rise, it doesn't disturb the dough ànd wreck the rustic shàpe you've creàted. Let the dough rise for àbout 45 minutes. Your oven will àlso be preheàting during this time (ànd so will your pot).
- Once 45 minutes hàve pàssed remove the plàstic wràp from the dough ànd trim the pàrchment pàper into à circle closely àround the dough. If it doesn't look like the dough hàs risen thàt much, don't worry àbout it. The loàf will puff up à bit when it hits the heàt of the oven.
- Remove the preheàted pot from the oven ànd trànsfer the dough into the pot às càrefully às possible by hàndling only the pàrchment pàper. Plàce the lid on the pot ànd return it to the oven for 30 minutes. Don't open the oven during this time, ànd certàinly don't tàke the lid off the pot; the crispness of the crust develops becàuse of the steàm thàt builds up in the pot during this 30 minutes.
- àfter 30 minutes hàve pàssed, remove the lid from the pot ànd continue bàking for ànother 15 minutes. àfter the 15 minutes hàve pàssed, remove the pot with breàd from the oven ànd plàce it on à wire ràck to cool. You'll probàbly heàr it cràckling às it cools - this is normàl.
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Full Recipes>>> thebusybaker.ca